A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was considering buying a mirrorless camera to a friend at work. The day before, I had driven through some beautiful farmlands and lamented that I only had a smartphone. The pocket-bricks just don’t give you the same juicy flavor I wanted for crystalizing the images eternally.
My friend is a great guy and avid photography buff. He offered to lend me a couple of mirrorless cameras for a few days to see how I liked them.
I have fallen in love with photography. All of it is just so dang amazing. Watch the video to see for yourself, I have only been using a decent camera for a little over a week. If I can get a picture of a wild animal, I am happy. That is essentially my mission every day when I leave the house now.
In case you are wondering, the cameras he lent me are the Lumix G7 and the Sony A7. The first is a micro 4/3s and the second is a full frame. I definitely like the full frame better for the reduced noise at high ISOs. While uploading them to my Lightroom folders I made so much dang noise from being amazed my wife had to ask if everything was OK. Couldn’t be better.
So a little over a week in to having these cameras and using them, I am thrilled with the resulting pictures. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the YouTube channel. I plan on uploading more slideshow videos with future pictures I have yet to take.